Find and compare the best car rental deals

Driver's age: 26-65
Thu 20/2
Thu 27/2
How to rent a car for less with momondo
  • How does momondo find car rental prices?
    momondo searches over 30,000 locations and includes major car rental companies such as Hertz, Thrifty, Dollar, Enterprise, Payless and more, so you get the widest selection of cheap car rental deals from around the world.

    On momondo, the prices you see when you rent a car are the prices you get – no hidden charges, and no surprises when you collect the car. And with our 48-hour free cancellation policy there is no need to worry about your rental car if your plans go awry.
  • How do I find the best car rental deal?
    Using our simple car rental comparison tool, we’ll help you find the cheapest rental cars. Simply search for a rental car in your destination of choice, and remember you can filter your results to compare prices for the types of rental cars you’re interested in..
  • What types of rental cars can I find on momondo?
    momondo includes major car rental companies such as Hertz, Thrifty, Dollar, Enterprise, Payless and more, so you get a selection of car rental deals for any destination.

    On momondo, you can find deals and discounts on all types of rental cars, whether it’s small, medium, large, SUV van, luxury, pickup truck, convertible and commercial vehicles, we’ve got you covered.
  • Can I drop my rental car off at a different location?
    On momondo you do have the option to search for car rentals with drop-off at a different location. All you need to do is tick the ‘Return to a different location’ box in the search field and fill in your preferred drop-off location.

    Bear in mind that additional fees may apply for a drop-off in a different location, however, we will clearly state whether or not this fee is included in the car rental prices we display.